MNAM! kde ze je mam??
v brisku :D
chjo...mi to cukrovi taky doma mizi a ja ho jist nestiham, kdyz tam nejsem... mam tam asi nejake sarance :-D
i agree your idea ! very nice blog
On this point, I feel you should be described in greater detail, I think it is that we need!
It seems different countries, different cultures, we really can decide things in the same understanding of the difference!Personalized Signature:我喜欢淮安掼蛋,靖江青儿,南通长牌,姜堰23张,常州麻将这些地方言游戏
7 komentářů:
MNAM! kde ze je mam??
v brisku :D
chjo...mi to cukrovi taky doma mizi a ja ho jist nestiham, kdyz tam nejsem... mam tam asi nejake sarance :-D
i agree your idea ! very nice blog
On this point, I feel you should be described in greater detail, I think it is that we need!
It seems different countries, different cultures, we really can decide things in the same understanding of the difference!
Personalized Signature:我喜欢淮安掼蛋,靖江青儿,南通长牌,姜堰23张,常州麻将这些地方言游戏